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Here are a few of the off-pitch activities the team has planned this semester... Remember to check back often (both here and on social media) for updates!


Team Bonding:



Shorthand for "Team Dinner At Sadler/Caf" (depending on the field used), the team has a TDAS/TDAC after almost every practice. This is determined at the practice by those in attendance, but teammates unable to attend the day's practice are always welcome to look for the group and join in!


2. Team Movie Night

Friday night "movie" (or YouTube, or anything, really) nights are planned on a weekly basis depending on who is interested. They are held in whatever academic building we can snag with an open projector room!


3. Clue Week

Though the dates are TBD, Clue Week will function like it does in many other clubs; a week of clues terminating in a fun Big/Little reveal! Bigs serve as friends and mentors, both on and off pitch, and of course, families are pitted against each other in games of kickball.


4. Busch Garden Day

Anyone interested in participating in this campus-wide tradition is welcome to hit up the rest of the team to see who wants to come!


5. Kickball, Blind Dates, and Mixers - Oh My!

We're like family here, so we do a lot together, both organized as a team (don't miss planned events or impromptu games) or just as friends (like formals or concerts!)



Recruitment/Fund Raising:


1. Activities Fair

Date to be announced 


2. Interest Meeting

Meet and greet for potential teammates. Details TBD


More to come!





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