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So now you've seen us... Should you join us?


We certainly think so. This is a great sport with a really great group of people. In Squilliam's words, "mean people just don't play Quidditch." We're trying to build our team and our sport, and would of course love if you joined us. That being said, we want you to decide for yourself. So below we have accumulated some resources for potential members that we hope you find helpful. And remember - if any part of you wants to give it a go, the team is always happy to see new faces and introduce them to Quidditch, regardless of interest level. Feel free to drop by practice any time, or to reach out through our contact page.

Would Quidditch be a sport you'd enjoy?


Well, to answer that, think about these questions.


1. Do you enjoy getting outside and active?


2. Do you like to try things that are a little different?


3. Do you want to be involved in a sport where the community is very tight and goofy?


4. Do you like to run, catch, throw, tackle, or any combination of those things?


5. Are you looking for a way to stay in shape and/or process school stress?


6. Are you looking for a sport where people play hard but leave all the seriousness on the pitch?


7. Do you get bored with activities that only involve one set of skills or have one thing going on at a time?


8. Do you like Harry Potter?


If you answered "yes" to a lot of those questions, you should come check out a practice! Except the last one; while several of us are Harry Potter fans, it's actually not as common as you'd think! Quidditch has really evolved into its own sport, apart from its origins. So even if you don't like the books, still come check out our game!


Also, please do note that Quidditch is a physical game. There is running, there are balls, and there is full contact tackling. That being said, please do not think that any of these things should keep you from coming out:


"I'm not athletic" - That's ok, a lot of us aren't/weren't when we started. We don't need athletic. We need people willing to train the natural potential they do have.


"I'm afraid I'll get hurt" - This is a sport. People get hurt. Mad-Dog gets hurt a lot. But the people who get hurt (Mad-Dog especially) are generally the ones who bring it on themselves. If you ask for aggression, you will get aggression. But if you aren't brutally physical in the way you play, chances are you won't be targeted as much or at all. 


"I'm really bad at ____" - Again, we don't mind. We can help you, so long as you're willing to put in the effort.


Would you fit in with our team?


Are you an evil cyborg set on destroying the universe? Do you keep people chained in your basement? Are you so unbelievably creepy that spiders run away from you? If not, then you'd fit in with our team. We have all kinds of kinds here, and we're happy to take as family anyone who wants to share our love of the game.


Then again, if you enjoy goofiness off-pitch but seriousness in the game, extremely quirky people, unfathomable sass and playful heckling, and/or a group that feels like your own blood relatives, you'll definitely love this team. 


Seriously though: the people are so great, you should try Quidditch even if you're unsure, just to meet some potentially great friends.

Can you fit Quidditch into your schedule?


As a William and Mary student, this is probably the biggest question you have when considering any new organization. It's a question that, at the end of the day, only you can answer. 


That being said, we have teammates juggling some pretty impressive things and still finding time to play. From people who sought special permission in order to take two majors and a minor to people in Greek Life, our members lead very busy lives outside the team. It's all about what you're willing to prioritize. It's not always easy, but if you make time, you can find time. Just check out our practice schedule and see if it's something that can work for you! 


And remember, if things get too wild and you have to step away for a semester, you'll always be welcomed back. So don't let plans to go abroad, intern, work, etc keep you from joining. 

Ready to join? Here are your options!

Come out to practice...

We always welcome people who want to watch practice, regardless of your level of interest. Practice times and places will be listed in the calendar, as well as the team schedule. Just come and check it out! Who knows - you might fall in love.


If you want to be extra prepared, click the button below and fill out the release form to get on-broom right away.


*button comming soon*

Drop us a line...

You can message us on facebook or reach us through the in-site email box. We'd love to talk to you and answer any questions you might have!

Find us at an event...

The team attends all school activity fairs, and will also be hosting a range of events that can be found on the calendar. Feel free to come by, meet the team, and talk to us about joining!

We hope to see you on the pitch!

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