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Meet our team...


The W&M Quidditch team is like a family! You know, one of those crazy families that you wouldn't trade for the world but sometimes pretend you don't know in public...


President, cheerleader

Known as "Will" when he's feeling presidential, Squilliam is a lethal beater, a bluebird of happiness, and a source of inexhaustable energy that always wants you to go running.


Vice president, wise traveler

An enigma to much of the team due to her time at St. Andrews, Jui is returning from Scotland prepared to share with the team her newfound knowledge of international Quidditch and perhaps unicorns.


Captain, bloodthirsty

As aggressive as her name suggests, Mad-Dog (a beater) can always be found either on the pitch grappling with someone or jumping up and down on the sidelines begging to be called in after taking a break to bandage her newest injury. 


Captain, human wrecking ball

A keeper and a chaser, Mason spends most practices trying not to hit people too hard in tackles and glaring at those who enjoy mocking his restraint.


Treasurer, cheerful convert

Though at constant risk of being literally carried off by her old VT teammates when the team attends tournaments, Mimi is a cheerful chaser who dives in enthusiastically wherever she is needed; on and off pitch. 


Gym rat, trouble-maker

Always happy to help anyone with fitness, don't let the kindness and grin fool you. Tristan is a chaser with the heart of a beater, brutal on the pitch and the first one suspected if somebody's causing a ruckus. 


Human cannon, broom musician

Jon's arms are actually cleverly disguised bludger cannons, and sufficient frustration may inspire him to beat the entire rival team before anyone has time to tag back in. He can also play his pvc broom like a flute.


God of sass, bulletproof

Joe (who made the unwise choice of saying we could call him Broseph) is a seeker and a sass-master, possibly possessed of magical qualities and, though we like him and thus haven't tried to prove it, potentially indestructible. 


Team dad, inhumanly cheerful

Think you already have a good enough dad? You're wrong. Zach is your dad now. Which is great, because he is the most sweet and cheerful person on the entire planet. (Sorry Squilliam) Though this isn't always best for a beater, no one can stay mad.


Team mom, mad makeup skills

Golino is the mom your mom could be like, if your mom were cooler, more athletic, and had on-point eyeliner even when working out in August. She's a chaser who rivals Zach in sweetness and watches out for everyone on the team with genuine love and affection.


Fierce warrior, yo momma jokester

Isabel is a chaser who enjoys practicing her war face, killing it on the pitch, and talking so dirty about your mom you'll want to take a shower. She is fierce and vibrant, both on the pitch and off, and can be identified by her battle cries.


Adventurer, female Clark Kent

Abigail is a beater, a nurse, or anything else you can think of. She doesn't hesitate to jump in and do her best wherever the team needs her most, not unlike a superhero donning a suit at the first sign of trouble.


Stealth sprinter, broom-master

Christina is a seeker known for her ability to sprint as if she was actually flying, as well as her talent for staying on the broom through all sorts of adversity, though this is a much lower-stakes skill than in the original form of the game.


Nice shot, beater infuriator

Anyone who has ever scrimmaged against Manny knows that he is excrutiatingly difficult to beat. In fact, the whole team secretly suspects that he actually does block bludgers in his sleep.

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